Courses a.y. 2024/2025
I am involved in teaching several courses for the MSc and Executive Education Programs. For the MSc in Finance, I teach Investment Banking and for the MSc in International Management and CEMS, I teach International Finance. In both cases, the textbook is Caselli S. et al. Corporate and Investment Banking. A Hands-On Approach by Caselli, S., et al. Bocconi University Publisher, 2021. For all MSc, I teach three elective classes; one is Private Equity and Venture Capital, and one class has been taught virtually since 2008. The textbook is Caselli S. and Negri G., Private Equity and Venture Capital in Europe, third edition, Elsevier Academic Press, 2021. The course is available on Coursera at https://www.coursera.org/learn/private-equity. I also teach in the SDA Bocconi School of Management in the Executive Master in Finance program, where my topics are Corporate Lending and Private Equity & Venture Capital.
Biographical note
I earned a MSc in Business Administration from the University of Genoa and a Ph.D. in Financial Markets and Institutions from the University of Siena. I am the Dean of SDA Bocconi School of Management (since November 2022) and I was Vice Rector for International Affairs at Bocconi University (from 2012 to 2022), where I am a Full Professor of Banking and Finance and Algebris Chair in "Long-Term Investment and Absolute Return". I have also been a member of the board of directors of the SDA Bocconi School of Management since 2006.
I am member of the International Advisory Board of: the School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute in Florence; the Stockholm School of Economics; SGH - the Warsaw School of Economics. Moreover, I contributed to the foundation and to the development of two Labs at Bocconi University in the Baffi-Carefin Research Center. The first one (since 2013) is the “Equita Research Lab in Capital Markets”, devoted to study the impact of financial markets. The second one (since 2021) is the “Algorand Fintech Lab”, devoted to study avenues to apply technologies at large to transform the financial eco-system.
Research interests
My research activities focus on the relation between financial and industrial systems, facing issues both of banking structure & regulation and of corporate finance, with a strong interest in the investment banking industry and private equity & venture capital. I am the author of numerous books and articles on the subject. My work has been published in the Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of Banking and Finance, European Financial Management, Journal of Financial Services Research, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance and Economia & Management, among others. I have served as a columnist and opinion maker on L’Economia del Corriere della Sera since 2007, and I am member of the scientific board of Rivista di Politica Economica.
Selected Publications
Money, privacy, anonimity: what experiments tell us
Journal of Financial Stability, 2021
A survival analysis of public guaranteed loans: does financial intermediary matter?
Journal of Financial Stability, 2021
Public credit guarantee Schemes and SMEs’ profitability: evidence from Italy
Journal of Small Business Management, 2019
The impact of sovereign rating news on European banks
European Financial Management, 2016
Return of the state? An appraisal of policies to enhance access to credit for infrastructure-based PPPs
Public Money & Management, 2015
Explaining returns in private equity investments
Journal of Financial Intermediation, n.1, 2013
Project Finance Collateralised Debt Obligations: an Empirical Analysis of Spread Determinants
European Financial Management, 2012
Are Small Family Firms Financially Sophisticated?
Journal of Banking & Finance, 2011
Offtaking agreements and how they impact the cost of funding for project finance deals. A clinical case study of the Quezon Power Ltd Co.
Review of Financial Economics, 2010
Does the CFO Matter in Family Firms? Evidence from Italy
European Journal of Finance, 2010
Conference calls and stock price volatility in the post-reg FD era
European Financial Management, 2010
Pricing Final Indemnification Payments to Private Sponsors in Project-Financed Public-Private Partnerships: An Application of Real Options Valuation
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 2009
The Sensitivity of the Loss Given Default Rate to Systematic Risk: New Empirical Evidence on Bank Loans
Journal of Financial Services Research, 2008
Are venture capitalists a catalyst for innovation or do they simply exploi it?