Courses a.y. 2023/2024

Biographical note

I obtained my PhD in Strategic Management from HEC Paris and received the AIB Buckley & Casson Best Dissertation Award. Prior to joining academia, I was a consultant in climate change and sustainability.

My research focuses on the drivers and implications of firms’ sustainability practices and environmental disclosure, and on the relationship between firms’ corporate and non-market strategies. My work has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of International Business Studies and Organization Science.

My teaching spans from Bachelor to PhD levels, and deals with business strategy and sustainability.

I am an active member of the Sustainability Committee of Bocconi University and a member of the Board of the Alliance of Research on Corporate Sustainability (ARCS).


Check the video of the AOM STR Virtual Symposium: Firm-State Ties: Addressing the Grand Challenges Anne co-or here:

Research interests

Even though firms face increasing normative pressures to implement sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies, (i) they still vary significantly in the extent and the way they do so, and (ii) positive stakeholder reactions to those strategies cannot be taken for granted. My research aims to explore these tensions by explaining heterogeneity in firm strategies and stakeholder reactions to them.

My work contributes primarily to non-market strategy research. First, across several projects, I highlight the role that cognitive mechanisms related to attention to CSR issues and legitimacy perceptions play in the diffusion and implementation of CSR practices within firms. Second, I observe that the responses of financial and non-financial stakeholders to these firm strategies are complex. In fact, information on CSR strategies and performance is largely unstandardized, so that stakeholders can question its authenticity and react negatively. In addition, stakeholders need to rely on combinations of signals on those strategies to form their evaluations. Third, given this lack of standardization, I investigate the tactics firms employ to communicate their behavior to their stakeholders. For example, I find that board characteristics (political orientation more specifically) influence CSR transparency in paradoxical ways. My research also suggests that a firm’s selective CSR disclosure (or greenwashing) fails to convince important stakeholders, such as employees or third-party ratings.

My work carries several strategic implications for managers as it reveals crucial steps to successfully implement CSR and convincingly communicate on these practices. For example, I find that enforcing the implementation of CSR practices in multidivisional firms is not successful if managers in the subunits perceive these practices as inconsistent with their units’ values. I observe that investments in CSR can help reduce employee voluntary turnover and that financial markets react positively to cross-border acquisitions that have the potential to generate transfers of environmental capabilities. My work also highlights the risks associated with lack of transparency and standardization in the CSR domain, which firms should seek to reduce. For example, I document that greenwashing is associated with lower employee support, that financial analysts can react negatively to environmental disclosure because they cannot easily interpret and benchmark the information provided and that raters penalize firms more severely for their lack of environmental commitments if they try to hide them through obfuscation and long justifications.

Selected Publications

Bettinazzi, Emanuele; Jacqueminet, Anne; Neumann, Kerstin; Snoeren, Peter
Media coverage of firms in the presence of multiple signals: a configurational approach

Anne Jacqueminet
Practice implementation within a multidivisional firm: the role of institutional pressures and value consistency

Servantie Jacqueminet, Anne Jeanne Marie Joseph; Durand, Rodolphe
Ups and downs: the role of legitimacy judgment cues in practice implementation

Giuliani, Elisa; Jacqueminet, Anne; Nieri, Federica
Bringing light to dark spots: the case of cross-border bioprospecting
Cross-border innovation in a changing world : players, places, and policies, 2022

Jacqueminet, Anne; Trabelsi, Lilach
CSR strategic implementation in MNEs: the role of subsidiaries' stakeholders
Sustainability, stakeholder governance, and corporate social responsibility, 2018

Jacqueminet, Anne
CSR implementation in MNEs: the role of distance and prioritization of demands
Distance in international business: concept, cost and value, 2017

Durand, Rodolphe; Servantie Jacqueminet, Anne Jeanne Marie Joseph
Peer conformity, attention, and heterogeneous implementation of practices in MNEs