Courses a.y. 2024/2025
Biographical note
I am a PhD in Business Administration and Management at Bocconi University and Visiting Scholar at the University of California Los Angeles. I am lecturer at the Marketing Department of Bocconi University and Affiliate Lecturer of the SDA Bocconi, where I cover the role of Program Director for a Diploma Program in Major Event Management in Qatar. I have also lectured in international context as Adjunct Professor in Marketing at Franklin College University, Lugano Switzerland. Today I am Assistant Director of the Master of Science in Marketing Management.
Research interests
My areas of interest and research are related to the topics of event management, innovation and the impact of digital technologies on value creation processes with a focus on Content Management and eCommerce-Omnichannel strategies.
Selected Publications
Il ruolo strategico dei social media nel mutato contesto degli eventi
Harvard Business Review Italia, 2021
Marketing Experiential Events Through New Media: The Ferragnez Wedding Case
Handbook of Research on New Media Applications in Public Relations and Advertising ), IGI Global, chap8, pp.133-148, 2020
Il valore del content marketing online
Marketing Una Disciplina Fantastica, Egea, pp.439-458, 2018
Channel management
Marketing@Bocconi, Egea, chap.19, pp.521-550, 2016
Identificare il mercato obiettivo: definizione e segmentazione del mercato
Marketing@Bocconi, Egea, chap.6, pp.139-182, 2016
Customer Value Analysis. Problems and Applications
Product Innovation - Dall'idea al lancio del nuovo prodotto
Product Innovation and Market Creation
Diffusion of Web-based product innovation
Il ruolo del Web ai fini del coinvolgimento del cliente nei processi di innovazione: teoria e prassi a confronto