Courses a.y. 2024/2025

Biographical note

Emeritus Professor of International Law, Bocconi University (2016).Law Graduate (JD) cum laude, University of Milan (1965). Master of Comparative Law (MCL), Columbia Law School, New York (Fulbright Fellowship,1967); Libero Docente (PhD) in International Law (1971). Milan Bar, 1969, admitted to the Cassazione (Supreme Court of Italy) 1978. Member of the Appellate Body, WTO (2001-2009, chairman 2006-7); appointed to the panels of trade arbitrators by the EU under various bilateral Free Trade Agreements (arbitrator for the EU in the EU-Ukraine trade dispute, 2020). Roster of Investment arbitrators (ICSID), appointed as arbitrator and president of a number of international commercial and investment arbitral tribunals. Member of the Italian Group of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. Author of more of 200 publications. Grande Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana (2008)


International Economic Law; Public international law. European law. International trade. Arbitration. Foreign investment and dispute settlement. International contracts. Protection of minorities and religious freedom. (283)

Selected Publications

Sacerdoti, Giorgio
General Interests of Host States in International Investment Law
Cambridge University Press, 2014

Giorgio Sacerdoti
The United Kingdom’s Post-Brexit Trade Regime with the European Union and the Rest of the World: Perspectives and Constraints,
Journal olf International Economic Law, 2018

Sacerdoti, Giorgio
The Challenge of Countering Politicization of Trade Relations and Revitalizing the Multilateral Rule-Based System
Editorial, in Volume 22, The Journal of World Investment & Trade, 2021

Sacerdoti, Giorgio
Diritto ed Ebraismo. Italia Europa Israele. Sessant’anni di interventi e battaglie civili
Il Mulino, 2021

Giorgio Sacerdoti
The Award on Jurisdiction and Merits
The Award in International Investment Arbitration, 2024

Sacerdoti, Giorgio; Moran, Niall
International Trade and Investment Dispute Settlement. From Rise to Crisis and Reform