Courses a.y. 2024/2025

I have won multiple teaching awards while teaching executives and non-executives at Bocconi University, the Rotterdam School of Management, the University of Oxford, the Duisenberg School of Finance, and the University of Munich.

Biographical note

I am an Associate Professor of Finance, a Fellow at the Institute for Economic Research (IGIER), and an appointed member of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI). My prize-winning research focuses on corporate finance, investor activism, corporate social responsibility, institutional investors, and corporate misconduct. My work has been published in leading academic journals, including the Journal of Finance, the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial Economics, and the Review of Finance, and has been featured in the Economist, the Financial Times, and Harvard Business Review. I have won multiple teaching awards while teaching executives and non-executives at Bocconi University, the Rotterdam School of Management, the University of Oxford, the Duisenberg School of Finance, and the University of Munich


My recent research on asset management was sponsored by the Government Pension Fund of Norway (NBIM). I am the recipient of several research awards, including the 2020 Michael J. Brennan Runner Up Award for best paper published in The Review of Financial Studies on secret offshore vehicles uncovered in the Panama Papers.

Research interests

Shareholder activism, institutional investors, responsible investing, family firms, corporate misconduct, corporate governance, corporate finance

Working papers

Alexander Dyck, Karl Lins, Lukas Roth, Mitch Towner, Hannes Wagner
Family-Controlled Firms and Environmental Sustainability: All Bite and No Bark

Selected Publications

Becht, Marco; Franks, Julian; Wagner, Hannes
The benefits of access: evidence from private meetings with portfolio firms

Hannes Wagner; Stefan Zeume
Data leaks and tax havens
Research Handbook on the Economics of Tax Havens, 2024

Alexander Dyck; Karl Lins; Lukas Roth; Mitch Towner; Hannes Wagner
Renewable Governance: Good For the Environment?
Journal of Accounting Research, 2022

Bennedsen, Morten; Huang, Sterling; Wagner, Hannes; Zeume, Stefan
Family firms and labor market regulation
The Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 2019

Becht, Marco; Franks, Julian; Grant, Jeremy; Wagner, Hannes
The early returns to international hedge fund activism: 2000-2010
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 2019

O'Donovan, James; Wagner, Hannes; Zeume, Stefan
The value of offshore secrets: evidence from the Panama Papers
Review of Financial Studies, 2019

Dyck, Alexander; Lins, Karl; Roth, Lukas; Wagner, Hannes
Do institutional investors drive corporate social responsibility? International evidence
Journal of Financial Economics, 2019

Fedaseyeu, Viktar; Linck, James; Wagner, Hannes
Do qualifications matter? New evidence on board functions and director compensation
Journal of Corporate Finance, 2018

Becht, Marco; Franks, Julian; Grant, Jeremy; Wagner, Hannes
The returns to hedge fund activism: an international study
The Review of Financial Studies, 2017

Lins, Karl V.; Volpin, Paolo; Wagner, Hannes
Does family control matter? International evidence from the 2008-2009 financial crisis
The Review of Financial Studies, 2013

Franks, Julian; Mayer, Colin; Volpin, Paolo; Wagner, Hannes
The life cycle of family ownership: international evidence
The Review of Financial Studies, 2012