Courses a.y. 2024/2025
Biographical note
I am an assistant professor of comparative private law at Bocconi. I have written on topics in contract theory, American, Chinese and European business and private law. Prior to joining Bocconi, I taught at Tulane Law School, City University of Hong Kong, visited Paris II and Trieste and conducted post-doctoral research at Max Planck Institute for International and Comparative Private Law. I am a member of the New York State Bar and European Law Institute. I also hold a fellowship at Yale Law School's Center for the Study of Private Law as its senior corresponding fellow. I am the author and editor of two books published by Cambridge Press and one by Edward Elgar. My co-authored book, the introduction to the comparative study of private law, is considered a leading work in comparative private law. My edited volume on the Chinese Civil Code was the first comprehensive scholarly take on the new Chinese Civil Code in the West in the English language. I have authored a dozen journal articles in Tulane Law Review and Michigan State Law Review, NYU Journal of Law and Business, American Journal of Jurisprudence, European Review of Private Law, The Italian Law Journal etc. My work has been translated into Chinese and Spanish and cited by Delaware Court of Chancery. I earned a law degree in China along with a J.D., an LL.M. and an S.J.D. from Tulane Law School. I am currently leading a comparative study of contract law with the aim of drafting a restatement of contract law for the three jurisdictions in the greater China, namely, mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. I am also developing a moral theory of contract law, contract as voluntary commutative justice, that would explain main contract doctrines across jurisdictions coherently. In spring 2024, I visited Yale Law School. In spring 2025, I will be visiting University of Hong Kong, Berkeley and EUI.
My research connects doctrines, cases, legal history and moral philosophy. I often write about the doctrinal inconsistencies in private law in America, China and continental Europe and trace them back to theoretical incoherence.
I also use empirical methods (judge interviews, fact-based questionnaires etc.) to study the inconsistencies between doctrinal rules and their applications.
I am currently working on a moral and apolitical theory of contract law that is based on voluntariness and commutative justice. I am also working on a comparative study of contract law between mainland Chinese, Hong Kong and Macau laws.
Research interests
My main research interest is to use the Aristotelian idea of commutative justice to explain private law. I am also interested in studying the doctrinal issues arising out of the codification of Chinese civil law.
Working papers
The Misconceived Doctrine of Causa and the Incoherence of Contemporary Contract Law
Tulane Law Review Vol.98 (forthcoming )
Selected Publications
The rule against recovery of pure economic loss in China: a misconceived doctrine
The making of a civil code in China: promises and perils of a new civil law
An introduction to the comparative study of private law : readings, cases, materials
Chinese tort law: tradition, transplants and some difficulties
Comparative tort law : global perspectives, 2021
Contract as voluntary commutative justice
Enforcing the bargain v. materiality requirement: the future of disclosure-only settlements post-Trulia
Freedom to mislead: the fictitious freedom to contract around fraud under Delaware law
Chinese tort law between tradition and transplants
Comparative tort law global perspectives, 2015
Enlarged state power to declare nullity: the hidden state interest in the Chinese contract law
Towards a Model Sales Law in the Greater Bay Area: A Comparative Study of Contract Law in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024
The Making of the Chinese Civil Code: Promises and Persistent Problems
Cambridge University Press, 2023
68 American Journal of Jurisprudence 1-32, 2023
A comparative study of contract law for the Greater Bay Area: an Introduction
Towards a model sales law in the Greater Bay Area : a comparative study of contract law in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, 2024
Fairness in Chinese Contract Law: a borrowed mistake
Tulane law Review, 2024
‘Obvious unfairness’ and ‘Unconscionability’: an (Indirect) American connection to Chinese contract law
The Chinese Civil Code in the global legal order : inner and outer perspectives, 2024
The duty to perform a contract in good faith: two opposing views and an alternative
Towards a model sales law in the Greater Bay Area : a comparative study of contract law in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, 2024
Towards a model sales law in the Greater Bay Area : a comparative study of contract law in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau