Associate Professor
Department of Economics
Courses a.y. 2024/2025
Biographical note
I am Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at Bocconi University and Research Affiliate at CEPR. I am a Macroeconomist interested in understanding the economy-wide implications of informational frictions and bounded rationality. My work also investigates the impact of fiscal and monetary policy for carbon emissions and the green transition. Since 2023, I am the coordinator of the ERC Consolidator Grant “Great Expectations: Macroeconomic Implications of Forecasting Behavior (GEM)”. I received a Ph.D. in Economics from MIT in 2012.
Research interests
My research focuses on understanding the economy-wide implications of informational frictions and bounded rationality, and how these frictions shape the design of optimal policy. My work also investigates the impact of fiscal and monetary policy for carbon emissions and the green transition.