Courses a.y. 2024/2025

- Civil Procedure Law

- Italian and International Arbitration

- Italian and European Insolvency Law

- Legal Writing

Biographical note

Since 2020 I am Associate Professor of Law at Bocconi University. I always focused my research on civil litigation, arbitration, and insolvency proceedings. Since 2012 I have spent eight years as Assistant Professor of Law at Bocconi University. In 2019 I spent a semester as Visiting Researcher at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of Munich specializing in comparative law, with a particular emphasis on collective arbitration and litigation. I hold a Ph.D. in Law from Bocconi University and a Law Degree from the Università Cattolica of Milan.


In 2021 I received the Legal Studies Award from Bocconi University for the article I published on “The Journal of Dispute Resolution” in 2020. Its title is New Ways of Protecting Collective Interests: Italian Class Litigation and Arbitration through a Comparative Analysis, 2020 J. Disp. Resol. 61 (2020).

Research interests

My research interests lie in the legal analysis of civil litigation and arbitration. Theoretical principles of law are the common ground of my research. Nevertheless, empirical analysis promotes self-criticism by acting as a braking mechanism that encourages me to be as pragmatic as possible. My interests currently focus on the comparative analysis of civil litigation and arbitration. But I also devote significant attention to the impact of implementing the EU insolvency law within the Italian legal system.

- How the Italian civil procedure law develops

- Comparative analysis of civil procedure law

- Collective disputes and joinder of parties

- The new models of class arbitration

- The role of precedents in construing legal and judicial systems

- The impact of the EU insolvency law on the Italian legal system

Selected Publications

Gaboardi, Marcello
New ways of protection of collective interests: the Italian class litigation and arbitration through a comparative analysis

Gaboardi, Marcello
Il concorso di azioni. Volume 1: Contratto, impresa e tutela giurisdizionale dei diritti