Courses a.y. 2024/2025

Biographical note

I am an Associate Professor of Art History at Bocconi University and an Affiliated Associate Professor at Duke University. I took my degrees at the Sapienza University in Rome and the Panthéon-Sorbonne University in Paris. As a tenured professor, I taught at the University of Limoges, the University of Chicago, and Duke Universiry. I have also acquired curatorial expertise working at the Pompidou Centre and the Louvre Museum in Paris among other institutions. I am the Editor-in-Chief of the series The Body in Art (Brepols) and the Field Editor for 18th-century art for I teach classes on Early Modern Visual art and Culture.


I am currently working on four main projects: *Book: Through the foreigner’s wandering eye: art, mobility and ecology in French representations of Rome (1580s-1780s). *Edited book: Material Metamorphosis: Natural Resources, Artmaking and Sustainability in the Early Modern World, Brepols Publishers, with Louise Arizzoli. *Article: “De chair ou de marbre? La sculpture classique à l’épreuve du pouvoir haptique au XVIIIème siècle“, Textimage (revisions before submission). *Book chapter: “Dessiner la partie, penser le tout. Fragments corporels et narration au XVIIIe siècle“ in Sarah Munoz and Colin Debuiche (eds.), Dessin et ‘ingenium’ : les voies de la création, Geneva : Droz (under review).

Research interests

I am an art historian of the Early Modern period and my current research into European visual arts and culture bridges five distinct but related topics: art and politics, representations of the body, cross-cultural relations within the Mediterranean world, art and ecology, and the theory and practice of drawing.

Selected Publications

Caviglia, Susanna
History, painting, and the seriousness of pleasure in the age of Louis XV

Kremer, Nathalie; Caviglia, Susanna
Suspendre le temps, continuer l'espace : la division lessingienne à l'épreuve des arts