Courses a.y. 2024/2025
I currently teach Labour Economics at the graduate and undergraduate levels and Personnel Economics at the graduate level.
Biographical note
Tito Boeri is professor and head of the Economics Department at Bocconi University in Milan (where he had also been Pro-rector for research until fall 2014) and Senior Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics (where he was Centennial Professor). He has been senior economist at the OECD, consultant to the IMF, World Bank, EU, ILO as well as to the Italian Government. From March 2015 to February 2019 he served as President of INPS. He is Scientific Advisor to the Fondazione Ing. Rodolfo Debenedetti. He is a columnist for La Repubblica and has collaborated with Italian and foreign newspapers, including Il Sole24ore, La Stampa, the Financial Times and Le Monde. He is one of the founders of the economic information website www.lavoce.info and the federated English-language website www.voxeu.org. He is the scientific director of the Turin Festival of Economics.
“Friday morning fever” (CEPR DP 16104 and VoxEu)
The new (third) edition of “The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets” (with Jan vanOurs)
“Wage Equalization and Regional Misallocation: Evidence from Italian and German Provinces” (NBER WP 25612)