Courses a.y. 2024/2025

Biographical note

Born March 26th, 1972. Degree in Business Admistration from Università Bocconi. Major in Marketing (1996). Master in Telecommunications from the George Washington University, Washington DC (2000). PhD in Public Policy from the George Washington University (2002). Visiting Scholar at the Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania (2007-2008)


SDA Associate Professor in Management Practice. Head of the Marketing and Sales Knowledge Group at SDA Bocconi. Former Director of the Executive Master in Marketing and Sales (EMMS). Teaching faculty of the Marketing Department. Research activity at CERMES.

Selected Publications

- “Come sta cambiando il marketing” (w/ B. Busacca), Ch. 2, pp.27-56, in “Business Next. Non è solo questione di tecnologie”, ed. A. Beltratti e A. Bezzecchi, Egea, 2018.

- “La prospettiva strategica del marketing”, pp.55-70 in “Marketing, una disciplina fantastica”, ed. B. Busacca e M. Costabile, UBE, Università Bocconi Editore, 2018.

- “Perché tenere d’occhio il prezzo psicologico”, Economia & Management, Volume 4 (2018).

- “Viaggio nelle imprese italiane. Un’indagine sullo stato dell’arte e sull’approccio strategico per un’effettiva centralità del cliente” (w/M. Addis), Economia & Management, Volume 3, 2017.

- “Marketing metrics” (w/ A. Cirrincione), Ch. 23, in Valdani E. (ed.) Marketing @Bocconi, pp.639-664, Egea 2016.

- “Marketing Digitale” (w/ A. Mandelli), Egea, 2015.

- “Marketing Strategies” (w/ E. Valdani). In “International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition”, ed. J.D. Wright, Elsevier, 2015.

- “Recessione e post-recessione: gli effetti della grande tempesta sui comportamenti del consumatore”, Economia & Management, 2015.

- “The Role of Signaling Identity in the Adoption of Personal Technologies,” (w/ I. Soscia & R. Bagozzi ) Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2014

- “Understanding Personal Mobile Technologies: Decomposing and De-averaging the Value of a Smartphone,” (w/ R. Graziani & S. Venturini), Journal of Information Systems, Volume 28, Issue 1, 2014.

- “Strategie e Giochi Competitivi” (w/ E. Valdani), Egea 2014.

- "Competitive Strategies. Managing the Present, Imagining the Future”, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013 (w/ E. Valdani).

- “Loyalty Program Structure and Consumers’ Perceptions of Status: Feeling Special in a Grocery Store?” (w/ Z. Estes), Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2013.

- "Pecunia Non Olet: gli switching behavior degli utenti di telefonia mobile", Economia & Management, n. 4, 2010.

- “Rejuvenating Importance-Performance Analysis” (w/ B. Busacca), Journal of Service Management, volume 22, nr. 3, pp. 409-430, 2011.

- "The impact of trial on technology adoption: the case of mobile TV” (w/ I. Soscia & C. Hofacker). Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 5, Issue 2/3, pp.226 – 238, 2011.

- "Loyalty Building, Relational Trade Offs and Key Service Employees: the Case of Radio DJ's" (w/ P. Guenzi & A. Ordanini), Journal of Service Management, volume 20, number 3, 2009.

- "Customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction in retail banking: Exploring the asymmetric impact of attribute performances" (w/ B. Busacca). Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 16, Issue 4, 2009.

- "Strategie competitive. Giochi di movimento, imitazione e posizione", w/ Enrico Valdani. Egea, 2008.

- "Il mercato family per la banda larga: i driver e gli ostacoli all’adozione". Egea, 2007.

- "Strategies of Imitation: An Insight" (w/ E. Valdani), Problems and Perspectives in Management, n. 4, 2007.

- "Technology-Supported Education: Old Questions For New Strategies" (w/ M. Addis & F. Zerbini), Innovative Marketing, n. 3, 2006.

- "Broadband Divide Among SMEs: The Role of Size, Location and Outsourcing Strategies" (w/ A. Ordanini), International Small Business Journal, Volume 24 Issue 1, 2005.

- "Environmental Drivers of E-Business Strategies among SMEs". In: Handbook of Research on Global Diffusion of Broadband Data Transmission, a cura di Y. K. Dwivedi, Information Science Reference: Hershy, NY, 2008.

- "External Pressures for Adoption of ICT Services among SMEs" (w/ A. Ordanini). In: Handbook of Research on Global Diffusion of Broadband Data Transmission, a cura di Y. K. Dwivedi, Information Science Reference: Hershy, NY, 2008.

- "Universal Internet Access Under an Ethical Lens, in Encyclopedia of Information Ethics and Security", ed. M. Quigley, IGI Publishing, 2007.

- "External Pressures for E-business Inclusion and E-business Involvement among SMEs: an Empirical Study" (w/ A. Ordanini). In Current Issues in E-Business Research, 2005, Rotterdam: DocVision.

- "Local Loop Unbundling: Critical Issues. In Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking", Idea Group Publishing, 2005.

- "ICT e piccole e medie imprese: un’analisi dei processi di adozione e di implementazione" (w/ A. Ordanini), Ch. 2, 3 e 7. Egea, 2005.