Courses a.y. 2024/2025

Biographical note

I was born in the summer of 1966, on July 26, and I have happily spent more than half of my life at Bocconi University. Here, in fact, I graduated in business administration and started teaching various subjects in the field of marketing.

I obtained my PhD in business administration at the University of Pavia.

My role at the University is basically to teach and I am honored because I love doing it, it is what I am most passionate about. I am lucky enough to teach courses on ever-changing topics, such as advertising and global marketing, on which I can have a lively exchange of views with my students during the lectures. And that’s great.

Selected Publications

Uslenghi, Anna; L. Colm; C. Solerio
The Positioning of Italia Independent Brand in the Italian Eyewear Market
The Case Centre, 2016

Uslenghi, Anna; Brioschi, Arianna
White space. Idee non convenzionali sulla comunicazione
Egea, Milano, 2015

Uslenghi, Anna; Brioschi, Arianna
White Space. Comunicazione non convenzionale
Egea, Milano, 2009

Uslenghi, Anna; A. Brioschi
Marketing non convenzionale
Marketing e fiducia (editor S. Castaldo), Il Mulino, Milano, 2009

Anna Uslenghi; D.a. Aaker
La gestione strategica del mercato
Etas, Milano, 2006

Uslenghi, Anna
Comunicare le competenze. Contesti, obiettivi e contenuti della pubblicitĂ  business-to-business
Egea, Milano, 2005

Uslenghi, Anna; F. Ancarani; J.c. Anderson; J.a. Narus
Business Market Management. Capire, creare, fornire valore
Etas, Milano, 2005