Courses a.y. 2024/2025
For over 20 years I have been teaching Public Law courses in Bocconi’s various undergraduate bachelor degrees in economics, management and finance in English and in 2015 I started teaching Comparative Public Law in Bocconi’s new bachelor in International Politics and Government. As Adjunct Professor, I also teach classes for Masters students at the School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University and a Visiting Professor I have taught Comparative Constitutional Law at the Universities of West Bohemia (Czech Republic) and Victoria (Canada) as well as at the Inter-American University in Puerto Rico. Finally, I have co-directed and taught in the European Union and Legal Reform Summer School since 2003.
Biographical note
I graduated with an integrated master of laws at the University of Bologna, where I also obtained a PhD in Constitutional Law (2004). I am Associate Professor of Comparative Public Law at Bocconi University, Adjunct Professor of Constitutional Law at SAIS Europe and director of the Center for Constitutional Studies and Democratic Development at the University of Bologna.
I have received several awards including a Bocconi University Teaching Excellence Award in 2015, a Bocconi University Research Excellence Award 2013 (for the groundbreaking book on constitutional prembles) and European Union Centre of Excellence Visiting Scholar Grant from the University of Victoria, BC, Canada.
I am member of several editorial committees of top scientific journals including: the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law; Istituzioni del Federalismo; Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo; Quaderni costituzionali (Cronache dall’estero); Transition Studies, Springer, Wien-New York.
At Bocconi, I am the member of the Executive Committees of several degree courses, including, among others, the executive committee of: the Department of Legal Studies (since 2018); the World Bachelor in Business (since 2015); the Bachelor in International Politics and Government, Management (since 2015); the Bachelor in International Economics, Finance (since 2015); the Bachelor in International Economics, Management (since 2015); International Economics, Management and Finance (from 2012-2014); the Bachelor in International Economics and Management (from 2006 to 2007); the Degree in International Economics and Management (from 2001 to 2005).
Research interests
I am the Director of the Center for Constitutional Studies and Democratic Development (CCSDD) which conducts research and training in the field of comparative constitutional law, focusing on countries undergoing a process of democratic transition.
I am co-coordinator of a research group of the International Association of Constitutional Law devoted to constitutionalism in illiberal democracies, and a member of the Advisory Board of the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Constitutional Law published by Oxford University Press.
In 2013, I received an Excellency in Research Prize from Bocconi University for my book on the legal value of constitutional preambles.
I have published extensively in English and Italian in the field of comparative constitutional law with particular attention for federalism, regionalism and devolution, Brexit and the European Union, constitutional justice and forms of government, democratic transitions and democratic development. My most recent book, “Dalla Sovranità del Parlamento alla Sovranità del Popolo” (2020), is focused on the Brexit and the multiplicity of its causes.
I am a regular media commentator and writes a trimonthly report on constitutional matters in the United Kingdom for Quaderni costituzionali, one of Italy’s leading constitutional law journals.
Selected Publications
Dalla sovranità del Parlamento alla sovranità del Popolo : la rivoluzione costituzionale della Brexit
The Brexit car crash: using E.H. Carr to explain Britain’s choice to leave the European Union in 2016
Two grand old ladies face to face: the United Kingdom and the United States of America constitutions compared
Constitutional preambles: more than jJust a narration of history
Ghana: the complements of successful centralization. Checks, balances, and informal accommodation
Constitutions and conflict management in Africa: preventing civil war through institutional design, 2015
Lo UK Independence Party e la sua antisistemicità relazionale
Transitions from Authoritarian Rule following the Arab Uprisings: A Matter of Variables
Political and Constitutional Transitions in North Africa Actors and Factors, 2014
Constitutional courts in Latin America :a testing ground for new parameters of classification?