Courses a.y. 2024/2025

Biographical note

I have been Lecturer at Bocconi University since March 2022. I obtained my PhD from Boston College in 2016 with a thesis on international trade and economic growth. I hold a Bachelor in Economics and Finance and a Master of Science in Economics from the University of Bologna.

I conducted post-doctoral research activities at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (Milan) as well as at the European Institute on Economics and the Environment. I was a Post-Doc at the University of Milan, Bicocca.

Research interests

I am working on international trade, environmental economics and finance.

Working papers

Bonacorsi Laura, Cerasi Vittoria, Galfrascoli Paola and Manera Matteo
ESG Factors and Firms’ Credit Risk
FEEM Working Paper No. 36, November 29 2022

Selected Publications

Altomonte Carlo, Colantone Italo and Bonacorsi Laura
Trade and Growth in the Age of Global Value Chains
BAFFI CAREFIN Centre Research Paper No. 2018-97, December, 2018

Bonacorsi Laura
Measuring Circularity: A Critical Analysis of Some Relevant Indicators
FEEM Report No. 11, December 3, 2020

Zoboli Roberto, Mazzanti Massimiliano, Paleari Susanna, Bonacorsi Laura, Chioatto Elisa D'Amato Alessio, Ghisetti Claudia, Maggioni Mario A., Zecca Emy and Pareglio Stefano
Energy and the Circular Economy: Filling the Gap through New Business Models within the EGD
FEEM Report No. 13, December 10, 2020