Courses a.y. 2024/2025
Biographical note
I am Professor and Researcher with Tenure of Accounting and Auditing at Bocconi University and Professor on Internal Control Systems at SDA Bocconi. I am also Scientific Director of the Audit Observatory and Co-director of the Enterprise Risk Management Laboratory. I am involved in board induction activities on control systems and regulatory issues and author of numerous books and articles on topics of interest.
I am Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor. I am also Lead Independent Director of a listed company, Board member of a pension fund, Chairman or Member of several Boards of Statutory Auditor and Supervisory Body pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, including some multinational companies.
Research interests
My research interests focus on financial statements and consolidated financial statements, auditing and Internal auditing, corporate processes and procedures, internal control systems, corporate administrative responsibility (Legislative Decree 231/01).
Selected Publications
Verso una nuova metodologia nelle verifiche del collegio sindacale : dall'orientamento alla conformità alla gestione del rischio
Luci e ombre dell’enterprise risk management in Italia
Il Sistema dei Controlli
Corporate Governance, 2006
Contabilità e bilancio: Esercizi (6 crediti)
Auditing - II edizioneIl manuale operativo per la revisione legale dei conti
La reputazione delle società di revisione operanti in Italia: premium price, criteri di selezione e opinioni dei clienti